Saturday, July 16, 2011

ATHENS (almost)

Well, got my cabin searched for drugs and stuff today. It was lovely cause I had literally JUST gotten in the shower and had my hair wet when they knocked on my door. They didn’t even let me finish showering and stuffed me outside!! So I sat in the hallway with a towel head while they looked for illegal stuff. Thankfully I had just eaten the peach I smuggled from the dining hall, so no write up for me! ‘Twas great fun.

Super duper stoked for Greece tomorrow!! We are going to have a BLAST. The normal group is being split though :( Nikki, Kellie, and Amanda are headed to Santorini tomorrow night while I am going to Mykonos with some girls I booked on facebook with—complete opposite islands in the Aegean Sea. So tomorrow we are hitting the main sights all together- Agora, Acropolis, Keramikos Cemetery, ect. We are hopefully also seeing HARRY POTTER FINALLY. I wish we would’ve seen it before everyone else in Croatia, but I’m still excited nevertheless. Then it is off to Mykonos for 2 nights!!!

Apparently the government is going to announce what they are going to do about the current economic situation while we are there, so that should be interesting! Between Spain, Greece, and Egypt (almost . sad.), SAS has been in the middle of some pretty historic events!! It is slightly worrisome about how public transportation will be affected if it isn’t a good deal… like strikes and such…. but if we get stuck at a Greek island I deff wouldn’t be THAT upset!!!!!


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