Thursday, June 16, 2011

After literally JUST posting the last blog update, we were sitting on the lobby couches about to head upstairs when two SASers came up to us and introduced themselves. Jess and Brandon are THE coolest people we have met thus far. They are both super seniors and are childhood buddies. I KNOW we will get along cause they both are nerdos: Harry Potter, Avatar (the cartoon, durr), Halo, ect. So we hung out forever and met some more people. Katie, (someone EVERYONE knows from the facebook group), Kytara (another famous facebooker), and two girls. We ended up going for a midnight swim and just hanging out till 2am. ‘twas great fun and makes me happy that people are so friendly and happy. Most people on SAS seem to be very down to earth and just jolly, if that makes sense. Very easy going. So we headed to bed at 2-2:45ish and then ended up sleeping in AGAIN…. Which is alright since it’s literally the last time we will sleep in till the end of August. UGH.

We decided to stay on the resort today and meet up with Brandon later since Jess was work-study and had to board early/train. So we swam, almost got hit by lightning, and TRIED to drink the grapefruit-rum mix Mckenna created. It was nasty. We saw the stupid high schoolers act ridick, this time they were trying to throw a chair off their room’s balcony on to some old man…. Thank god they are not SASers like we first feared… We later ended up going to Senor Frogs and having a blast. Somehow I got conned into some competition with about 6 or 7 other girls (who were all SASers, weird!). We had to blow up a balloon, put it between our legs, and run all the way from the back of the restaurant to the front and then back… all while drinking a beer. I, being uber competitive, kept in the first place the entire time till about 10 feet from the finish line when my balloon fell out from between my legs. Balls. So I lost the free drink :( but it was still fun, I will remember those girls forever haha. We went back to the hotel early and went for another late night swim in the ocean and got eaten by sea lice (?) or something equally white and nasty. So we braved the pool for the first time (apparently Brandon heard the high school annoying kids “bragging” about peeing in the pool, ew.). It was warm and gross and salty, but it was fun talking and hanging. We ended up going the room early and reading the last bit of the common reading (of course Mckenna hasn’t even started haha).

It’s been a fun and exciting day, but it won’t even hold the cake to tomorrow when we board the ship. ZOMG we are all trying to contain our excitement, but it is hard. Jess was telling us all about it, since she got the first peek at it this afternoon, and it seems awesome! And there IS a salad bar so I will NOT get fat this year. I also decided that since I will not be sleeping this summer, might as well make it legit. So I made a pact with myself that I will workout every single day we are at sea, so strange swelling treadmill here I come! For realz.

Welp, see ya on the other side I suppose! 

Adios, ciao, zbogom, αντίο, довиждане, güle güle, and وداعا world! 

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