Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Today was the Amazing Race, a competition in which the winner gets to leave the ship in Barcelona first.  So of course me and my group entered (Mckenna, Brandon, Jess, Savannah, Craig, Kristen, Katie, and I). We were the Nads (get it? Go nads! Heheh) and we were perfect. Over 400 people entered in groups of 8  and some had pretty wild names! Anyways, the competition was basically about 28 riddles in which you had to solve and then run to the corresponding area on the ship to get each question signed off on. We were amazing and whipped right through them all (some were way hard!!!). We had like 3 more to go when the announcer lady told us that the first team had finished. BUT, they were now taking 1st, 2nd, and 3rd! So we raced right through them and right when we were literally getting the last question signed up mere feet away from the finish line, the last lady meticulously checked every. Single. Signature. Like she took a minute, easily. By the time we got to the finish line, 3rd had JUST gotten there. So we were livid. We wanted to be official in our 4th place finish, but the head lady yelled at us to sit down. Turns out, 1st place was the girl who beat me in the Senor Frog’s drinking game. SHE BEAT ME AGAIN!! I’m gonna get her one of these days…. Hahaha but yeah. My roommate Jamie ended up getting third, but they got DQed for cheating (haha). So the team who got there AFTER us and checked in (why didn’t the woman yell at them!?!?) ended up getting 3rd. So bummer. I’m not too pissed about it only cause I get off for my FDP early anyways. Whatevsss.

But yeah, we lose yet ANOTHER hour tonight. So the total is like 5 hours I wanna say? Whatever, this blows. I don’t like going to class when it’s 4am at home. Yuckie. Barcelona in 4 days though! And Gibraltar in 3!! … and the first round of tests in 3. Yay.

Well, I’m tired. This sucks. I need more sleep.

Also, I love Andrew Allison (Mel’s friend). We were MEANT to be best friends.

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