Saturday, June 18, 2011

Day 2: was an entire day spent sitting and dozing. We had “orientation” from 9am-9pm, which could basically be boiled down to 4 main points.
1.      Don’t smuggle stuff aboard or you’ll get kicked off.
2.      Don’t get wasted and roofied.
3.      Go to class.
4.      It’s a ship, not a boat. A deck, not a floor. A voyage, not a cruise.

Boom, there, we are done. Could’ve saved an entire 12 hours of boredom and nodding heads to lay out in the sun or something. Lame. Jamie and I definitely slept through our alarms though, we set it for 7:45 so we could get breakfast, but ended up waking up at 8:45 when the intercom came on to remind us about orientation hahah. Whatever. We did have breaks though! Which consisted of us sitting on the deck trying to catch a glimpse of the illusive dolphins jumping (probably was just a joke haha) and tanning/sleeping. I dunno if it’s the Dramamine still trying to wear off after yesterday, since I didn’t take any today, or it was really THAT boring of a day. But oh well. Did hear some good gossip: apparently after we left Senor Frogs, a girl got alcohol poisoning and fell over the railing into the ocean or something and had to go to the hospital. She is supposeably in the sick bay “resting” or whatever haha. Sucks.

Classes start tomorrow, which I am actually kind of excited for. A schedule sounds sooo nice… at least for the whole 8 days until Spain. Hahah we have a total of 23 class days and like 40 or so country/ activity days. Totally the best study abroad EVERRR. Apparently we have midterms on the day before Spain though… I have 8 days to study and learn material we haven’t even heard of. Yay haha. But yeah, it’s all good. Met tons of cool people again; a guy named Gunther who reminds me of the dude in Beauty in the Beast, a guy who looks like Robert Pattinson, and a girl who I’ve been talking to on facebook for the whole year! Its been good, but everyone still comments on the “y’all.” UGH.

Welp, time goes forward an hour tonight, so my 8:15 breakfast will be at 7:15. Yay.

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