Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Well, after leaving San Antonio on a 5:30 flight to Atlanta and then nearly missing my connection to the Bahamas, I arrived in Nassau. It took about 13,059 minutes to get through customs and I thought for sure the girl I was meeting would have left. I was supposed to see a girl I was staying with at the Wyndham at the baggage claim,  but when I got there I didn’t see anyone that looked moderately familiar. I forgot to look at her facebook profile pic before I left so I was really just looking for a girl to recognize me hahah. So I didn’t see her, so I sat down and waited. I ended up waiting with a girl that I recognized on facebook and talking for like 45 minutes. Finally McKenna showed up and we got into the taxi to go to the hotel. He drove on the opposite site of the road and had a backwards car! It was so cool. And he had a Jamaicanish voice! Pretty sweet. So then we tried to check into the hotel, but since the girl who booked it wasn’t with us, we couldn’t. So we swam in the ocean, got burnt, got hit on by high school kiddos, and had our first legal drink. It was a margarita and it was DELICIOUS. Since neither of us had eaten all day (I think I had a protein bar and 2 bags of airline pretzels) we decided to walk to this “cheap, good food” according to the hotel lady. It ended up being a 45min walk away and the food was averaging about $23. Yuck. So we went over to this British Pub restaurant across the street and had a burger and corona, served to us by an Asian lady. Hahah sweet. We later tried to act pitiful and beg the concierge person to let us in our room, but no avail. After napping on the lobby couches and watching episodes of lost, we finally managed to tug on the heartstrings of a new lady and she let us in the room. This is what we saw…

Then 15 minutes later the other two girls walked in. Ugh. We ended up sleeping in and getting woken up by some people playing bingo. It was realll confusing haha. We went into town and walked forever and got hooted at by taxi drivers, which was fun. More beach time, and creeper stalked a guy McKenna knew from facebook, which was hilarious. He was totally bewildered haha. We saw the ship downtown and got super duper stoked, but it’s a good 75-100ft shorter than the other ships. It makes this trip seem a bit more real!!

Stuff I learned in the past few days:
1.     There are no stop signs or traffic lights in Nassau, only roundabouts.
2.     I will be in the greatest shape ever and have killer calves with the amount of walking I’ll do.
3.     It's really strange when you see people on facebook in real life.
4.     I tan better in the Bahamas in 2 hours than 2 weeks in a tanning bed.

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